Markets and trade

Content related to market access and trade issues.

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Report of the Study Program on Marine Aquaculture and Seafood Markets in Southern China

A study tour of seafood markets in southern China (Guangdong Province and Hong Kong SAR) was conducted in 2005. The programme provided participants with exposure to some of China's larges live marine seafood markets, provided insight on marine farming systems and management including major species and technologies, and provided participants with the opportunity to develop valuable business and scientific contacts with farmers, buyers, traders, industry groups and scientists.

Cultivo de Camarón y Medio Ambiente: Un programa en consorcio "Para analizar y compartir experiencias a fin de mejorar el manejo de la acuicultura de camarón en las áreas costeras"

Este reporte da detalles de las actividades y resultados del trabajo conducido bajo el Programa en Consorcio del Banco Mundial, NACA, WWF y FAO sobre “Cultivo de Camarón y el Medio Ambiente”. Este reporte sintetiza los resultados más importantes del programa del consorcio desde 1999 hasta marzo de 2002. Incluye los resultados de los talleres de usuarios que discutieron los resultados del programa, auspiciados por el Banco Mundial en Washington, DC, en marzo de 2002. 

Economics of better management practices for semi-intensive shrimp farms in Honduras and shrimp cooperatives in Nicaragua

Several stakeholder groups have formulated and recommended the implementation of better management practices (BMPs)aimed at improving production efficiency and/or ameliorating impacts of shrimp farming on the environment. In this study, an economic optimisation model with an environmental component was used to evaluate the effects of five specific BMPs on the profitability, optimal selection of management strategies, and net quantities of nutrients discharged by semi-intensive shrimp farms in Honduras and small-scale operations in Honduras and Nicaragua.

Aquaculture Development Beyond 2000: The Bangkok Declaration and Strategy

The main output of the International Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium. The Declaration summarises the key impediments and opportunities in aquaculture development that are likely to arise over the next 20 years and provides strategic policy guidance for sustainable aquaculture development. The Declaration was adopted by conference participants in a plenary session.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2004

In this issue:

Captive breeding of vulnerable Indian carp Cirrhinus reba for conservation. Conservation of the Asiatic catfish Clarias batrachus through artificial propagation. A perspective on breeding and genetics of walking catfish in Thailand. Decline of wastewater-fed aquaculture in Hanoi. Artificial propagation of indigenous Tor species in Malaysia. Aquaculture of spotted babylon Babylonia areolata. First successful hatchery production of Napoleon wrasse Cheilinus undulatus. Trade and market trends in the live reef fish trade.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2004

In this issue:

Genetic considerations in fisheries and aquaculture with regards to biodiversity. Rice-fish culture for food and environmental security. Land-based aquaculture of spotted babylon Babylonia areolata in Thailand: Hatchery-based seedling operation. Shrimp health question and answer. Women in coastal aquaculture. Insights into live marine food fish markets in Asia. Farming practices, market chains and prices of marine finfish in Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong.

The international seafood trade: Supporting sustainable livelihoods among poor aquatic resource users in Asia

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the international seafood trade and poverty, with special reference to the trade in some selected marine products between Asia and the European Union. It represents Output 1 of the project “The International Seafood Trade: supporting sustainable livelihoods among poor aquatic resource users in Asia”, which was funded by the European Community's Poverty Reduction Effectiveness Programme (EC-PREP).

Aquatic resources in the Philippines and the extent of poverty in the sector

This report presents an overview of the state of aquatic resources in the Philippines, its performance and importance in the Philippine economy, and explores the situation of poverty in the "aquatic resources sector." The report describes the policy environment that guides the action of key actors in the sector. A general analysis of some trends in relation to factors that keep the poor from participating and benefiting from aquatic resource management is also provided.

Some thoughts on international trade in aquaculture products and human development

Small-scale and subsistence fisheries, and aquaculture, play important roles in the livelihoods of many rural people throughout the region, although the significance is often hidden in national, regional and international statistics. With the fishery sector as an important sector for human development in Asia, an understanding of the array of stakeholders involved, and indeed ensuring their better participation in policy setting processes and trade discussions, is necessary to bring a more human development-oriented dimension to trade policy.

Report of the Regional Workshop on Sustainable Seafarming and Grouper Aquaculture, Medan, Indonesia, 17-20 April 2000

These are the proceedings of a workshop focussed on grouper culture, but also explored management strategies required to support the sustainable development of seafarming in the Asian region. The emphasis was on technology transfer and management strategies for the benefit of farmers and coastal communities. The workshop included special sessions on diversification of seafarming systems and culture species, the role of seafarming in the livelihoods of coastal communities.