Freshwater finfish

Information relating to aquaculture of freshwater finfish.

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Report of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health

This report was prepared by the 18th Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health (AG) that met at Bangkok, Thailand on 18-19 November 2019. The group discussed OIE standards and global issues, review of regional disease status, reports on the aquatic animal health programmes of partner agencies, and disease reporting.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2020

In this issue:

Mahseer sanctuaries of Meghalaya: A conservation and recreational perspective; Impacts of climate change on aquaculture in Vietnam: A review of local knowledge; Simple means of water aeration adopted by progressive fish breeders in West Bengal, India; Breeding striped snakehead (Channa striata) using the concrete tank method in the Cangkringan Area, Special Region of Yogyakarta; NACA Newsletter.

Mahseer sanctuaries of Meghalaya: A conservation and recreational perspective

This article presents available information regarding the present status of chocolate mahseer and the conservation measures been undertaken in the East Garo Hills of Meghalaya. A total of 54 sanctuaries have been established since 2012 in Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills under the Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission project of the Fish Farmers Development Agency. The sanctuaries have been established with the objective to preserve and enhance aquatic biodiversity, protect indigenous fish species, preserve breeding and feeding grounds, and serve as tourist attractions to provide livelihood opportunities.

Breeding striped snakehead (Channa striata) using the concrete tank method in the Cangkringan Area, Special Region of Yogyakarta

The striped snakehead (Channa striata) is a species of swamp fish that has a high economic value. Intensive fishing has reduced the wild populations. Hatchery production of this species has the potential for both commercial aquaculture supportive breeding programmes to conserve fish resources and increase the natural population. Below we describe a protocol we used for controlled spawning and hatchery operations for striped snakehead.

11th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, Kuching, Malaysia

The 11th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA11) marks 30 years since the Fish Health Section - Asean Fisheries Society (FHS-AFS) establishment and it will be celebrated in Malaysia. Local hosts, the Department of Fisheries Malaysia (DOF) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry together with the Ministry of Modernisation of Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development Sarawak (MANRED) will be organising the event in cooperation with the FHS-AFS.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2019

In this issue:

Trends in water chestnut Trapa bispinosa farming in West Bengal, India; Improving livelihoods and increasing coastal resilience: A look at integrated mangrove-shrimp aquaculture in Vietnam; Snow trout fisheries in Arunachal Pradesh of the Eastern Himalayas; Gender issues in the fisheries sector of India; NACA Newsletter.

Snow trout fisheries in Arunachal Pradesh of the Eastern Himalayas

Snow trout are known for their economic importance and are recognised as potential species for food and recreation. However, very little information is available on their taxonomy, distribution, biology, habitat and food value. The demand for this group of fish has increased drastically with increasing fishing pressure due to the lack of sustained aquaculture alternatives in this hill locked part of the world. This article describes the status of snow trout fisheries in the snow fed streams, rivers and upland lakes of Arunachal Pradesh, India.

ASEAN Regional Technical Consultation on Aquatic Emergency Preparedness and Response Systems for Effective Management of Transboundary Disease Outbreaks in Southeast Asia

The ASEAN Regional Technical Consultation on Aquatic Emergency Preparedness and Response Systems for Effective Management of Transboundary Disease Outbreaks in Southeast Asia was held from 20-22 August 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. The consultation discussed the status of and/or need for aquatic emergency preparedness and response systems for effective management of transboundary disease outbreaks in Southeast Asia. Issues were addressed through country reports, technical presentations and a workshop.

18th Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health

The Advisory Group (AG) is a body of technical experts that meets annually to provide advice to NACA member governments on aquatic animal health management. The group is drawn from academia, the private sector and government. The role of the AG is to review disease trends in the region, identify emerging threats and developments in global aquatic disease issues and standards, evaluate the Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Reporting Programme operated by NACA/FAO/OIE and regional governments, and to provide guidance on strategies to improve aquatic animal health management. This year’s meeting took place from 18-19 November at the Amari Don Muang Airport Hotel in Bangkok.

NACA Newsletter, Vol. XXXIV No. 4, October-December 2019

In this issue:

Cooperation with the Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation; Global Conference on Aquaculture 2020 update; Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, January-March 2019; A fresh look at inland fisheries and their role in food security and livelihoods; Tuskfish 2 Beta: Testers wanted; APAARI Regional Workshop on Underutilized Fish and Marine Genetic Resources and Their Amelioration; Joint Research Project on Utilization of Thailand Local Genetic Resources to Develop Novel Farmed Fish for Global Market; Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture.