Freshwater finfish

Information relating to aquaculture of freshwater finfish.

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Report of the seventh meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, 15-17 December 2008

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional health issues including emerging disease threats. This report includes a review of regional disease status circa 2008, global and regional disease reporting arrangements, global issues and standards, progress in implementation of the the Regional Technical Guidelines on Health management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals, identification and designation of regional aquatic animal health resources and regional and international cooperation.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2009

In this issue:

Myanmar revisited. Harvesting, traditional preservation and marketing of fishes of Chalan Beel, Bangladesh. Role of community in production and supply of larger, quality fingerlings. Can rice-fish farming provide food security in Bangladesh? Nutritional and food security for rural poor through multi-commodity production from a lake of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Emerging boost in Sri Lankan reservoir fish production. Farming the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium malcolmnsonii. Breeding and seed production of catfish Ompok pabda.

NACA Newsletter Volume XXIV, No. 1, January-March 2009

In this issue:

9th Technical Advisory Committee meeting and 30th anniversary of FFRC. Training Workshop on the Use of Molecular Genetics in Conservation held at USM, Malaysia. Japan International Award for NACA Staff. Consortium on freshwater finfish genetics and breeding. Shrimp Farming eNews. Seventh Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health. Sri Lankans learn pisciculture at CIFA. India's Central Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture observes 33rd Foundation day.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2008

In this issue:

An increasingly secure future for wastewater-fed aquaculture in Kolkata, India? First culture-based fisheries growth cycle in Lao PDR is overhwelmingly encouraging. Revival of abandoned shrimp farms in Andhra Pradesh. Growth of industries linked with aquaculture in Kolleru Lake area, India. Applications of nutritional biotechnology in aquaculture. Technical and management aspects of catfish hatcheries in Vietnam. Asian seabass farming. Mariculture development opportunities in southeast Sulawesi, and much more.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2008

In this issue:

Possible improvements to carp culture in Andhra Pradesh. Aquaculture and environmental issues in the region of Nai Lagoon, Vietnam. Selection potential for feed efficiency in farmed salmonids. Freshwater prawn broodstock concern in Bangladhesh hatcheries. Production of Cirrhinus molitorella and Labeo chrysophekadion for culture-based fisheries in Lao PDR: Nursery and grow-out. Mussel farming: Alternate water monitoring practice. Use of poultry by-product meals in pelleted feed for humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis.

NACA Newsletter Volume XXIII, No. 3, July-September 2008

In this issue:

Aquaculture certification guidelines development process continues in Beijing, Washington D.C. Development of BMPs for catfish farming in Vietnam - survey of management practices. NACA extends cooperation with ADB for tsunami rehabilitation in Indonesia. International hands-on training programme on molecular biology techniques. Cage aquaculture carrying capacity tool now available. 6th Regional Grouper Hatchery Production Training Course completed. 2008 Forum on Fisheries Science and Technology, 25-27 September 2008, Shanghai, China. Aquaculture success stories 'write shop'. Bookshelf: New publications for free download.

Myanmar aquaculture and inland fisheries

Fish and fish products are crucial in the nutrition and livelihoods of the Myanmar people. However, little information is available on their patterns of consumption, inter-regional differences, availability and types of fish consumed. This report is the outcome of two concurrent missions, one to coastal areas and one to inland areas. The report includes the findings of the missions as well as conclusions and recommendations in support of the long-term sustainability of fishery resources in Myanmar.

Economics of aquaculture feeding practices in selected Asian countries

This technical paper provides an analysis of the economic implications of, and the reasons for, adopting various feeding practices for different fish species and aquaculture systems in Asia. The systems studied include extensive/traditional, semi-intensive and intensive farms for a number of different species including sutchi and pangasiid catfishes (Bangladesh and Viet Nam), hybrid catfish (Thailand), carp polyculture (India and China), prawn and milkfish polyculture (the Philippines).

Development of a conservation strategy for the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish: Quantitative assessment report

This report provides a quantitative assessment of the conservation of the Mekong giant catfish, Pangasianodon gigas, and an evaluation of the likely effectiveness of different conservation options. The report conisders the history of fisheries exploitation and environmental change, the estimated wild population size of P. gigas, the role of captive populations held by the Thailand Department of Fisheries and interactions with cultured fish. It makes a series of recommendations for conservation of this species.

Development of a conservation strategy for the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish: Project brief

This is a brief of a project to develop an overarching conservation strategy for the Mekong giant catfish integrating supportive breeding with harvest and habitat management. This will involve (1) quantitative assessment of population status based on existing information, (2) quantitative assessment of the likely effectiveness of different conservation measures (3) review and improvement of captive breeding procedures; (4) promotion of appropriate adaptive policies for the further development of the strategy; and (5) definition of an overall conservation strategy.