Hatchery and nursery

Information related to hatchery management, larval rearing and seed production in aquaculture.

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Subject tags

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In this collection

Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional disease issues including emerging disease threats. The group was established by the Governing Council of NACA to provide advice to member governments in the Asia-Pacific region. This collection comprises the reports of the annual meetings of the group. The reports are a rich source of information concerning the current disease status of the region and new or emerging diseases of aquatic animals.

Training manual on breeding and culture of scallop and sea cucumber in China

This training manual on scallop and sea cucumber hatchery and aquaculture techniques was prepared for the Scallop and Sea Cucumber Breeding and Culture Training Course, conducted by the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute in Qindao, People’s Republic of China and organised by the Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project in May 1991.