Livelihoods, gender and social issues

Aquaculture livelihoods and social issues in rural communities.

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Vietnam country strategy paper

Although Vietnam has long been listed among the poorest countries of the world, it has recently made large strides in reducing poverty and improving food security. However, the dramatic gains in poverty reduction in Vietnam still remain quite fragile. There is growing evidence to indicate that dependence on aquatic resources is correlated to poverty, and that aquatic resources constitute an important component of wider livelihoods strategies (largely from the Mekong Delta, Central Coast and the Northern Mountains).

The role and nutritional value of aquatic resources in the livelihoods of rural people: A participatory assessment in Attapeu Province, Lao PDR

This assessment is intended to address the concern that the ecological and livelihood functions and values of rice fields and adjoining wetlands are not fully appreciated in development planning. A participatory assessment was conducted in Attapeu Province, Lao PDR to determine the role of aquatic resources in the nutritional status of people engaged in rural livelihoods and to determine any opportunities, constraints or threats that may exist concerning the management of aquatic resources and future development in the province.

International Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis, Ranchi, India, 2-6 February 2004

The purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Ranchi was a joint India-Nepal event. A central element of the workshop was a visit to the Jabarrah community, where participants learnt about the community’s livelihoods. In addition to gaining information about the Jabarrah community itself, participants also had important insights into how best to conduct livelihoods analyses.


Information access survey, Vietnam

This study aims to provide an overview of media currently used in Vietnam, with particular focus on use of media for extension purposes, to explore access to information, and information exchange between stakeholder groups and institutions within the aquatic resources and fisheries sectors, to investigate the information needs of rural communities involved in fisheries and aquatic resources management and to make recommendations for increasing the efficiency of communication with different stakeholders.

Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis, 8-12 March 2004, Lao PDR

This is the report of the “DLF/NACA-STREAM/FAO National Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Vientiane, Lao PDR from 8-12 March 2004. The purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Vientiane was the first STREAM event in Lao PDR.

STREAM Journal Volume 3, No. 2, April-June 2004

In this issue: BFAR moves on in Region 6. Livelihood initiatives in Sapian Bay. Improving access to information through Barangay Learning Resource Centers. e Philippines Fisheries Information System. The contributions of planning activities in the participatory process. Inter-LGU alliance building: A key to sustaining the integrated fisheries and aquatic resource management council. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM. This edition is also available in Ilonggo and Urdu.

Emerging Trends and Experiences in Asia-Pacific Aquaculture: 2003

This document provides an overview of topical issues in Asian aquaculture for 2003, including a review of its status, progress in research and development, major issues and experiences, together with suggestions on actions for addressing opportunities and constraints. The document was prepared by NACA and FAO to facilitate discussions at the 15th NACA Governing Council meeting, hosted by the Government of Sri Lanka on 21st-25th April 2004.

Management options for the shrimp fry fishery: A regional stakeholder workshop in Coxes Bazar

In February 2002 the shrimp fry collection ban was placed into abeyance pending further review of how biodiversity could be conserved at the same time as protecting the livelihoods of 400,000 fry collectors. A Shrimp Action Plan for the period April - September 2002 was drawn up to identify trends impacting on distribution and growth in the shrimp sector, and to explore alternative models for the management of fry resource and to assess their social, institutional and economic implications.

The international seafood trade: Supporting sustainable livelihoods among poor aquatic resource users in Asia

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the international seafood trade and poverty, with special reference to the trade in some selected marine products between Asia and the European Union. It represents Output 1 of the project “The International Seafood Trade: supporting sustainable livelihoods among poor aquatic resource users in Asia”, which was funded by the European Community's Poverty Reduction Effectiveness Programme (EC-PREP).

Information access survey Western Visayas, Philippines, June 2003

The aim of this report is to provide brief profiles of the main stakeholders within the aquatic resources and fisheries sectors in Western Visayas, to describe their access to information, and the communication between and within stakeholder groups, organisations and institutions within the sector. The report goes on to identify current needs and key action points which might maximise efficient communication.