31 May 2005 | Roy R. "Robin" Lewis III, Michael J. Phillips, Barry Clough and Donald J. Macintosh | 661 Downloads | .pdf | 1.58 MB | Better management practices, Genetics and Biodiversity, Livelihoods, gender and social issues, Aquatic plants, Shrimp, Governance and Policy
Interactions between coastal wetland habitats, particularly mangroves, and shrimp aquaculture, have received considerable attention in recent years. The review begins by documenting the status of shrimp aquaculture in relation to mangrove forest ecosystems. The environmental, social and economic impacts of shrimp farming are discussed, with examples covering both the negative and positive aspects of the sector.
The main section of the review considers interventions and other activities to improve the sustainability of shrimp farming in the context of coastal zone management and the protection of mangrove ecosystems. Over the past decade, understanding of the relationship between shrimp farming and the environment have led to various efforts to mitigate the negative impacts of aquaculture on coastal habitats. These include: zoning schemes to confine aquaculture outside wetland conservation areas; changes in farm management practices; introduction of new legislation to protect the environment (e.g. controls on farm effluent discharge); initiation of dialog among shrimp farmers through forums such as farmers societies and associations, and dialogues with non-governmental sectors, increased research and development efforts.
The effectiveness of these interventions is considered here in the light of experience based on case studies. A format for the case studies was prepared at a workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand on 14th – 16th February 2000. The expert group invited to the workshop also identified a list of potential case studies for this thematic review and considered how information from each case study should be incorporated into the synthesis. The case study analyses highlight the effectiveness of efforts made, the underlying reasons for successes or failure, their strengths and weaknesses, and identify where research and other further efforts are most required. The 14 case studies used to support this synthesis are provided in a separate Annex. Some of the case studies are based on country level experiences; others are more specific to a particular locality where there is a record of good environmental management related to shrimp farming.
This review document, together with the case studies, attempts to cover the following major questions and issues related to shrimp farming and coastal wetland habitats:
Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
Rights: Copyright, all rights reserved.