Lao PDR's involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

First training course on culture-based fisheries held in Nha Trang, Vietnam

The first ever Regional Training Course on Culture-based Fisheries in Inland Waters was held at Nha Trang University from 30 October to 8 November. The objective of the course was to provide participants with the skills to assist local communities to plan and manage culture-based fisheries. These practices are an example of a relatively simple and low cost technology that can deliver nutritional and economic benefits to rural communities, which often have few livelihood options.

Strategic leverage on value chains: Fellowships on offer

IDRC and the National University of Singapore (NUS) are offering fellowships for Southeast Asian entrepreneurs, leaders in business, government, and civil society who want to better understand Southeast Asian value chains. The four-day program from 19-22 March 2018 will give participants a useful toolkit of ideas to take full advantage of a connected ASEAN Economic Community. Women leaders and participants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam are especially encouraged to apply.

Urgent update on possible worldwide spread of tilapia lake virus (TiLV)

Recently, we released a warning of TiLV in Thailand and an improved RT-PCR detection methodology. The Fish Health Platform in Centex, BIOTEC/Mahidol University has also obtained positive test results for TiLV in other Asian countries where it has not yet been reported. Many countries have been translocating tilapia fry/fingerlings prior to and even after the description of TiLV. We have prepared a map listing countries with confirmed reports of TiLV infections and 43 other countries that we believe have imported infected fish.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Lao PDR

Around 73% of total fisheries production originated from aquaculture including fish culture in ponds, community fish culture in oxbow lakes and irrigation weirs, rice-fish culture and cage culture. Commercial feed is typically only used in pond culture. In other production systems some supplementary feeding may be conducted using local materials. Integrated fish farming with livestock is also practiced using various species of carp, barbs, catfish, gourami and snakeheads. Existing local feed factories have considerable spare capacity.

Developing an Environmental Monitoring System to Strengthen Fisheries and Aquaculture Resilience and Improve Early Warning in the Lower Mekong Basin

These are the proceedings of a consultation on the existence and effectiveness of environmental monitoring systems for fisheries and aquaculture in the Lower Mekong basin. The document provides a baseline assessment of environmental monitoring systems in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam and the report of a workshop to discuss the assessments findings and future steps towards an improved environmental monitoring and early warning system that will contribute to climate change adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture in the area.

Guidelines for hatchery production of Pa Phia fingerlings in Lao PDR

The objective of this manual was to provide basic guidelines for the hatchery production of Pa Phia (Labeo chrysophekadion) fingerlings. It includes information on managing and spawning broodstock, genetic guidelines, egg incubation, hatching larviculture and fry rearing. Although the guidelines were specifically developed for production of Pa Phia at government hatcheries in the Lao PDR, they may be applied to other, related, species and could be adopted and commercialised by the private sector hatcheries

Final Draft Code of Practice for Trans-boundary Movement of Aquatic Organisms in the Lower Mekong Basin

This Code of Practice is prepared to promote or ensure compliance to World Trade Organisation-Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures for the movement of live aquatic organisms in the Lower Mekong Basin. The goals of the Code are to achieve environmental protection and management, biodiversity conservation as well as prevention of spread of disease epizootics. Most of the points listed in this Code are based on the inputs of MRC Member Countries.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2015

In this issue:

Changes to the magazine and website. Status of alien fish species farming and it's implications for Andhra Pradesh, India. Bridging the research-extension-farmer-input and market linkage gap in coastal aquaculture through application of ICT. Bio-remediation of domestic sewerage recycled in aquaculture: A Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture model. Role of family farming in marine and coastal ecosystem management in India. Conservation of fish genetic resources: An introduction to the state fishes of India.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXX, No. 3, July-September 2015

In this issue:

26th NACA Governing Council Meeting, Bali, Indonesia. Regional Workshop on the Status of Aquatic Genetic Resources. Developing an environmental monitoring system to strengthen fisheries and aquaculture in the Lower Mekong basin. Regional workshop documents sustainable intensification practices in aquaculture. Perspectives on culture-based fisheries developments in Asia. SUPERSEAS PhD opportunities.

Summary of culture-based fisheries developments in Lao PDR

A summary of culture-based fisheries developments in Lao PDR based on publications, either in the primary literature, or as manuals and reports posted on the website of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, that have originated from projects funded by the Australian Centre for International Agriculture research (ACIAR) since 1997.