Presentations from the final technical consultation on EMS/AHPNS

Under the FAO technical cooperation project (TCP/VIE/3304 (E)) Emergency assistance to control the spread of an unknown disease affecting shrimp, this final technical consultation on “Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) or Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Syndrome (APHNS) of Cultured Shrimp” was jointly organised by FAO and Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development from 25-27 June 2013, Prestige Hotel, Hanoi, Viet Nam.

The consultation presented all relevant project findings and outcomes of the work carried out under the project, and provided updates on EMS situation and experiences in some affected Asian countries, as well as additional technical presentations to assist in further understanding this disease in terms of its aetiology and epidemiology. Nineteen presentations were made over three sessions, while the fourth session drew a number of recommendations and risk management measures pertaining to:

  • Disease nomenclature.
  • Diagnostics.
  • Reporting/notification
  • International trade (live shrimp, shrimp commodity, shrimp feed).
  • Farm and hatchery facilities.
  • Affected and non-affected countries.
  • Pharmaceutical and feed companies.
  • Training/capacity building needs.
  • Outbreak/emergency disease investigation.

Workshop presentations

A total of 62 participants contributed to a successful technical consultation. The report is being finalised and an announcement will be made on its release from the press. Further information about the consultation can be obtained by writing to melba.reantaso ‘at’ or rohana.subasinghe ‘at’ and Dr Le Van Khoa (MARD).

Creative Commons Attribution.