
Farming of ornamental fish, crustaceans and plants for ornamental purposes.

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In this collection

Biology and Management of Invasive Apple Snails

Apple snails have become a major pest of wetland rice in much of Southeast Asia. Two species are involved, Pomacea canaliculata and P. maculata. One or both of these species have become widely established not only in many parts of Southeast Asia but also in other parts of the world. This book provides an update on research into the biology, management and use of apple snails and highlights the need to prevent further spread of these species.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, April-June 2013

In this issue:

Workshop on mainstreaming gender in NACA. Fish Farmer Field School: Towards healthier milkfish / shrimp polyculture and fish farmer empowerment in South Sulawesi. A success story of Maa Tarini Self Help Group Ornamental Fish Unity, India. Use of lactic acid bacteria in fish farming. AFSPAN field surveys underway. Anti-viral treatment for healthier black tiger prawns. Jungle perch on the comeback trail. Nursery management of grouper manual. Hatchery management of tiger group manual.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2012

In this issue:

Aquaculture in Hubei Province, central China. Ornamental fish farming - a successful cottage industry in rural and urban India. Measuring empowerment of women through self-help groups in aquaculture. Pigeon pea Cajanus cajan cultivation over fish pond dykes - an economically viable farming approach. Culture of freshwater climbing perch Anabas testudineus. Augmentation of fish production from a small reservoir of Vidarbha: A success story. Emergency consultation on early mortality syndrome of shrimp.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2011

In this issue:

Visit to the AwF funded small-scale aquaculture project in Nepal. Success story of the Barakhandapat Ornamental Fish Breeding Unit, India. From Kyoto 1976 to Bangkok 2000 and Phuket 2010: Aquaculture development and personal transitions. Embryonic and larval development of Waigieu seaperch Psammoperca waigiensis. Culture feasibility of freshwater mullet Rhinomugil corsula in ponds in India. Management in seed production of an endangered catfish Horabagrus brachysoma during its hatchery phase.

Improving biosecurity: a necessity for aquaculture sustainability

Species movement for farming can be one of the many sources of biological threats to the well-being of farmed aquatic animals, humans and ecosystems. Transboundary aquatic animal diseases may occur due to illegal introductions and transfers of live animals. This session will discuss aspects of biosecurity as possible and will identify successes and failures, issues of importance and the role of biosecurity in the sustainable increase in aquaculture production. 

Enhancing the contribution of aquaculture to poverty alleviation, food security and rural development

We are passing through an era of increasing population, food shortages and unsustainable farming practices. We cannot think of food security unless issues connected with poverty and livelihoods are addressed. Since 75 percent of global aquaculture production comes from small-scale farms in developing countries we have to address a number of issues to ensure that the livelihoods and food security of all those involved in the sector are not threatened.

Expert Workshop on Inland Fisheries Resource Enhancement and Conservation in Asia

Over the past few decades inland fisheries resources have come under increasing pressure from water engineering projects, pollution and overfishing. FAO and NACA convened an expert workshop to review inland fisheries resource enhancement and conservation practices in Pattaya, Thailand, 8-11 February. Experts from 10 Asian countries attended the meeting to share experiences and lessons learned. Regional collaborative efforts are required to facilitate assessment of current inland fisheries resource enhancement and conservation practices.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2009

In this issue:

Mussel farming initiatives in North Kerala, India. Selective study on availability of indigenous fish with ornamental value in West Bengal. Aquaculture livelihoods centre in Aceh, Indonesia. e-Sagu Aqua - an innovative information and communication technology model for transfer of technology for aquaculture. Freshwater pearl crop: An emerging enterprise in the Indian subcontinent. Preliminary risk assessment of Pacific white shrimp (P. vannamei) introduced to Thailand for aquaculture. Black gill disease of lobster and more.

The international seafood trade: Marine ornamentals trade in the Philippines and options for its poor stakeholders

This report provides insight into the status of the marine ornamental fish trade in the Philippines, including policy environment, collection, distribution channels, markets and constraints. The report also reviews the livelihoods of poor stakeholders in market chains including economic and financial aspects, natural and physical resources, livelihood patterns, social structures. The report provides recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders in improving the livelihoods of poor stakeholders in marine ornamental fish collection and market chains and resource management.

Building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries

This is the proceedings of the workshop on Building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries, held in Penang, Malaysia, on the 12th-16th July 2004. The workshop built on the recommendations from a 2002 workshop organised by the Global Invasive Species Program and a 2003 workshop of countries sharing the Mekong watershed, in promoting awareness, coordination mechanisms and information exchange systems and identifying management and risk mitigation measures.