Sustainable intensification of aquaculture. Simon Wilkinson
Sustainable aquaculture
Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: Aquaculture in Hubei Province, Central China.
Ornamental fish farming - a successfull cottage industry. N. Felix, J.D. Jameson and R. Alan Brindo
People in aquaculture
Measuring empowerment of women through self-help groups in Aquaculture. Nirupama Panda, K.B. Dutta and G.S. Saha
Research and farming techniques
Success Story: Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) cultivation over fish pond dykes - an economically viable farming approach. Suresh Chandra and S.D. Gupta
Culture of freshwater climbing perch, Anabas testudineus. Kuldeep Kumar, U,. Mohanty, R. Kumar, D. Damle, Noor Jahan, J.K. Jena and A.E. Eknath
Augmentation of fish production from small reservoir of Vidarbha: A success story. Rathod, R.H., Joshi. S.A., Belsare, S.S., Shelke, S.T., Kamble. S.C., Markad S.S. and Nakhwa, A.D.
NACA Newsletter
Aquaclimate Project gets thumbs up from regional workshop on climate change.
Developing climate resilient aquaculture: The Aquaclimate Project.
Regional framework for cooperation on climate change.
Emergency regional consultation on shrimp early mortality syndrome, 9-10 August, Bangkok.
Regional study/workshop on adoption of aquaculture assessment tools for sustainability.
Regional proficiency testing for aquatic animal disease diagnostic laboratories.
Aquaculture Asia Magazine is an autonomous publication that gives farmers and scientists in developing countries a voice. Stories concern the small-scale aquaculture prevalent in the region and the circumstances of farmers trying to make ends meet in an increasingly globalised world. We accept articles on any aspect of aquaculture and the related processing, marketing, economic, environmental and social issues. An RSS feed is available if you wish to stay informed of new issues.