In this issue: Hon Mun MPA Pilot Project on Community-based Natural Resources Management. An experience with participatory research in Tam Giang Lagoon, Thua Thien-Hue. Experiences and benefits of livelihoods analysis. Lessons learnt in implementing PRA in livelihoods analysis. Lessons learnt from livelihoods analysis and PRA in the Trao Reef Marine Reserve. Using the findings from a participatory poverty assessment in Tra Vinh Province. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM. This edition is also available in Ilonggo, Khmer, Nepali and Vietnamese.

This report, the eighteenth in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of fifteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses changes to the list of diseases covered in the report by the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health.

In this issue:

Outcomes of Advisory Group on Health. New FAO Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific. Chinese Regional Lead Centre provides training in Rice-Fish farming under China-ASEAN Agriculture Cooperation. Development of Second Phase of APARIS. Building the leading source of global information on aquaculture. AFS/Fish Health Section 5th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture. Upcoming training courses.

This paper examines farming practices in marine fish cage aquaculture in southeast Asia with reference to feed and feeding. It proposes a range of reforms to improve the economic performance of the sector, including selective breeding, use of hatchery-reared fingerings, modernisation of cage systems, improved feed management and use of dry pelleted feeds, relocation of cages to better quality sites and a greater degree of government and private sector co-operation in research and development.

This study of the livelihood of farmers and fishermen is based on the information provided by the villagers representing 142 households in the village. There had been some changes that impacted on the livelihood of villagers, especially in natural resources. The population is constantly growing which leads to an increase in natural resource utilisation and ultimately their degradation. The villagers usually suffer from diseases such as malaria, fever and dengue fever.

This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from Saob Leu Village in Kratie Province, Cambodia from 10-15 July 2002. The team worked with 1530 villagers who volunteered to participate and represented the 177 households in the village. The villagers rely mainly on farming, with dry season rice being the most important crop. Most villagers are involved in small-scale fishing, with some having other skills.

This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from Trorbek Pork in Kandal Province, Cambodia. In Trorbek Pork Village there are 140 families and a total population of 700 persons. The primary occupation of villagers was farming dry season rice on 47 ha, and in addition cultivating vegetables such as corn, mung bean, wax gourd, chilli and sesame on 15 ha. Secondary occupations included fishing, garment making, singing, laboring and repairing machines.

This study was based on the population census (1998) and key informant interviews (10 to 50 villagers voluntarily represented the 253 families of Dong Kom Village). There were 253 families with a total population of 1,192 persons. The primary occupation of villagers was farming, growing dry season rice on 1,900 ha, besides that they grow other vegetables such as corn, pumpkin and other vegetables on 200 ha. Secondary occupations were fisher, teachers, traditional medical practitioner, barber and other services.

This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from Dang Tong Village in Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. In general, villagers are skilled in farming and mat weaving, but some villagers also have individual skills such as carpentry, boat making, hairdressing and fixing machines. Although this village is in the Tonle Sap (Great Lake) area, which has the most plentiful supply of fresh fish in the country, the villagers are subsistence fishers.

The main objective of the study is to understand the villagers’ standard of living, hardship, external impact, present and future demand. The team interviewed with 15 to 60 villagers including men, women, young and old villagers, represented 135 families in the village. The main occupations of the villagers are farmers cultivating rice on 299 hectares of seasonal rice and 61.8 hectares dry season rice and fishers. Beside that, they have other occupations such as repairers, making thatch.