Organizers of the 8th International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health have opened registrations and called for abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations. The 2018 symposium marks the thirtieth anniversary of the ISAAH, which will be held September 2 – 6, 2018 in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Early Bird registration rates are available now, and, as there are limited spaces for registered delegates to attend the pre-conference scientific workshops, organizers encourage participants to sign up as soon as possible.

This collection contains video recordings of the lectures from the Regional Training Course on Culture-based Fisheries in Inland Waters, held at Nha Trang University, Vietnam. The objective of the course was to provide participants with the skills to assist local communities to plan and manage culture-based fisheries; a relatively simple and low cost technology that can deliver nutritional and economic benefits to rural communities with few livelihood options. The course was sponsored by the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme.

A discussion of harvesting and marketing strategies to improve economic returns in culture-based fisheries.

A presentation strategies to improve the survival rate of seed in culture-based fisheries.

A discussion of practical measures for stock assessment.

Use of bioenergetic modelling to calculate stocking densities for mitten crab and mandarin fish in culture-based fisheries.

Presentation on the assessment of fish stock dynamics in a culture-based fisheries context.

Better management practices for stocking and transport of seed for culture-based fisheries.

A discussion of issues affecting the sustainability of culture-based fisheries development.

A discussion of risk management in the context of culture-based fisheries.