20 October 2018 | National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (ICAR) | 3351 views | .pdf | 188.24 KB | Better management practices, Culture-based fisheries, Genetics and Biodiversity, Inland aquaculture, Stock enhancement, India, Governance and Policy
An Expert Consultation on Invasive Alien Fish Species: Need for a Risk Benefit Assessment and Management Framework for Healthy Freshwater Systems will be organised on 19 December 2018 in New Delhi, India. The consultation is jointly organised by the ICAR National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature.
The consultation will flag the need for an equilibrium between access to non-native germplasm and the minimisation of risk to ecosystems and native fish diversity from such introductions. As a major outcome, an objective tool is expected to be developed, which can be used to evaluate prospective introductions and support decision making, to meet the needs of biodiversity rich countries in Asia.
The organisers welcome experts or representatives from NACA member governments that have an interest in risk analysis of alien species. Travel funds are not available for such participation but no registration fee will be charged. Those interested can contact the organisers by 30 November 2018. Please see the attached prospectus for more information.
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