Homestead modular hatchery technology of brackishwater catfish, Mystus gulio: A potential alternate livelihood option for small and marginal farmers of Sunderban

The catfish Mystus gulio is a small indigenous euryhaline fish found in fresh and brackishwater environments of the Sunderban delta of Bangladesh and India. A fast-growing species with high nutritional value, market demand and hardy nature, M. gulio is a desirable candidate for aquaculture in Asia. It is co-cultured with other brackishwater species in paddy fields, but expansion of culture in pond systems has been held back because of a shortage of seed. This article reports on induced breeding techniques and the development of a farmer-friendly modular hatchery and farming system suitable for use at the homestead level or by small-scale operators.


Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.


Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2020

In this issue:

Hatchery techniques for the seed production of short-necked clams (Paphia undulata) in Nha Trang, Vietnam; Lovesome chum of the aquarium are wreaking havoc in East Kolkata Wetlands, India; Concept of indigenous recirculatory aquaculture system executed in West Bengal, India and other places; Homestead modular hatchery technology of brackishwater catfish, Mystus gulio: A potential alternate livelihood option for small and marginal farmers of Sunderban; NACA Newsletter.