4 July 2023 | Mutum Deepti, Maibam Malemngamba Meitei, Soibam Ngasotter, and Amom Mahendrajit | 589 Downloads | .pdf | 4.89 MB | Freshwater finfish, Inland aquaculture, India
Pengba (Osteobrama belangeri) is a near-threatened minor carp endemic to eastern Manipur in India, Yunnan and Myanmar. A migratory species, wild populations of pengba have declined due to the construction of dams and barranges, and possibly also due to the introduction of alien species. Pengba is highly preferred by consumers and attracts a high market price.
This article describes the feeding habits and reproductive biology of pengba, and aquaculture techniques for seed production and grow out in monoculture or polyculture.
Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.