Education and Training

The Education and Training Programme assists capacity building among NACA members through the exchange and sharing of knowledge and skills between members. Activities may take the form of training courses, study visits and personnel exchange. The programme also supports the training components of the other thematic programmes and serves as an outreach arm of NACA. Regular training activities include three to four courses each year on various topics of regional priority in aquaculture development, such as:

  • Broodstock management in aquaculture.
  • Aquaculture business management.
  • Marine finfish seed production.
  • Aquaculture governance and planning.
  • Management for sustainable aquaculture development.

Key activities

Key activities of the programme include:

  • Identifying training needs for aquaculture development in NACA members.
  • Identifying and organising relevant expertise and capacities to meet the training needs.
  • Developing training modules and materials.
  • Facilitating routine education and training activities of NACA.
  • Facilitating and coordinating exchange programmes among members and with other regions.

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Subject tags

A collection of subject tags relating to technical matters.

In this collection

Leaflets on better management practices for Penaeus monodon in Vietnam

A series of leaflets on better management practices for Penaeus monodon shrimp aquaculture in Vietnam. The leaflets are available in both Vietnamese and English and cover: Broodstock management for suppliers, postlarvae selection and transportation for seed traders, shrimp seed quality, pond preparation, good pond management, shrimp health management.

Better-practice guidelines: What are better practice guidelines?

Our better-practice guidelines are an attempt to share lessons that are learnt from local practice or from research, with many more people within Asia-Pacific and to enable people, institutions and policy-makers to use new tools and mechanisms which support aquatic resources management in ways that benefit the livelihoods of people who are poor. This publication is also available in Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Hindi, Ilonggo, Khmer, Myanmar, Nepali, Oriya, Sinhala, Urdu and Vietnamese.

Better practice guidelines: Self-help groups

Self-help groups are a way to start working that helps to build up the social connections which people find useful in support of their livelihoods objectives, helping people to agree on things and to speak together, giving people a stronger voice in decision-making and in negotiating with more powerful forces. This publication is also available in Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Hindi, Ilonggo, Khmer, Myanmar, Nepali, Oriya, Sinhala, Urdu and Vietnamese.

Better practice guidelines: Consensus-building process

The stories that fishers and farmers tell us about their lives can give us a deeper understanding of the realities of their experiences. They can help policy-makers to build an understanding of the aspirations and complex livelihood strategies of poor people and disadvantaged or marginalised groups. A consensus-building process is a way of providing a space where people can tell their stories, so that policies can be improved to better support poor people's needs.

Better practice guidelines: Spawn production in hatcheries

These guidelines provide advice on producing fish seed in small-scale hatcheries. This publication is also available in Oriya.

Better practice guidelines: Fry production - nursing spawn

‘Spawn’ is the name for the young fish about three days old that are available from hatcheries. Sometimes these young fish are also called hatchlings. The spawn of catla, rohu and mrigal is about 6-8 mm long. At this stage, the ‘yolk sac’ is absorbed, the mouth opened and the fins fully developed. Spawn are reared intensively, first to the ‘fry’ size and then to the ‘fingerling’ size. All the three stages are marketed and collectively called ‘seed’.

Better-practice guidelines: Fast fingerling production - nursing spawn in ponds

The “fast fingerling system” can produce advanced fingerlings about two months earlier than they are normally available from fish farms.  The farmer uses just one pond for continuous growing until fingerling size is reached, and fewer fish are stocked. A farmer with a small, seasonal pond can produce fingerlings in one month. These can then be sold for a high price because everyone wants fingerlings as early as possible.

Better practice guidelines: Fingerling production nursing fry in ponds

The fingerling rearing pond, like the nursery pond, should be free from weeds and predators. Submerged weeds and predators are killed by mahua oilcake, which then acts as a good fertiliser. If there are no weeds, to kill predators and competitors quickly you can just add 100 kg of urea followed 24 hours later by 200 kg of fresh bleaching powder for a 1-ha area of a 1-m deep pond.

Building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries

This is the proceedings of the workshop on Building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries, held in Penang, Malaysia, on the 12th-16th July 2004. The workshop built on the recommendations from a 2002 workshop organised by the Global Invasive Species Program and a 2003 workshop of countries sharing the Mekong watershed, in promoting awareness, coordination mechanisms and information exchange systems and identifying management and risk mitigation measures.


Better practice guidelines: Fingerling production nursing spawn and fry in pens

In watersheds, medium irrigation projects can be useful for aquaculture even though these water bodies are many times larger than ponds, and are basically built for irrigation or water storage. However, the full potential of these water bodies is not yet realised. Net pens or cages can be used to rear fingerlings in such environments.