1 November 2016 | 2645 views | Better management practices, Inland aquaculture, Education and Training
The project made use of the significant results from the JICA projects in Cambodia, Benin and other countries on farmer-to-farmer extension approaches on technology extension for small-scale farmers. This also integrated other approaches of technology extension such as cluster farming which was also proven effective for small-scale farmers, in terms of application of farming technologies and aquaculture standards. The guidebook will introduce good practices on aquaculture extension not only to Asian countries but also to African countries.
This project utilised the vast experience of NACA and JICA on sustainable aquaculture projects in the region towards the formulation of a simple but efficient guidebook which can be used in developing a practical training course module on the above subject.
The objectives of this project were to i) develop a guidebook in English on "Farmer-to-farmer extension approaches for small-scale aquaculture" and ii) to translate the developed guidebook into selected local dialects in Asia-Pacific and other regions (e.g. Africa).
The project started in September 2014, and was completed/closed in June 2016.
The project was funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Creative Commons Attribution.