7 May 2006 | Wilfredo G. Yap, Simon Funge-Smith, M. Rimmer, M.J. Phillips, Sih Yang Sim, H. Kongkeo and Pedro B. Bueno | 848 Downloads | .pdf | 196.38 KB | Marine finfish, Aquatic plants, Molluscs (shellfish and other), Shrimp, Crabs and lobsters, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Markets and trade, Freshwater prawns
The principal sources for this overview are (i) the regional synthesis of aquaculture in Asia-Pacific developed for a regional workshop on the status and prospects of aquaculture development in Asia-Pacific by FAO and NACA in September 2005, (ii) a review of marine fish hatchery development in Asia in 2003, (iii) a survey of cage fish culture in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam in 2004, (iv) a status report on the research and development of grouper in Asia-Pacific under the Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network (or AP-MFAN), (v) a 2004 Regional review of the Status and Potential of Fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia Pacific Region by the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) and (vi) a discussion paper on grouper aquaculture prepared for a meeting in the South Pacific.
Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.