Aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific and the outlook for mariculture in southeast Asia

The principal sources for this overview are (i) the regional synthesis of aquaculture in Asia-Pacific developed for a regional workshop on the status and prospects of aquaculture development in Asia-Pacific by FAO and NACA in September 2005, (ii) a review of marine fish hatchery development in Asia in 2003, (iii) a survey of cage fish culture in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam in 2004, (iv) a status report on the research and development of grouper in Asia-Pacific under the Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network (or AP-MFAN), (v) a 2004 Regional review of the Status and Potential of Fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia Pacific Region by the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) and (vi) a discussion paper on grouper aquaculture prepared for a meeting in the South Pacific.


Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.


Technical publications

NACA publishes technical papers and manuals for a wide variety of farming systems and related environmental and social issues. Many of these provide guidance on better management practices with a view to improving crop outcomes and on-farm resource utilisation efficiency. By using inputs such as feed and power more efficiently, farmers can simultaneously improve their profitability and environmental performance.