
India's involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

Better practice guidelines: Spawn production in hapas

These guidelines provide advice on producing fish seed of the Indian major carps in hapas within ponds to improve survival.

STREAM Journal Volume 5, No. 1, January-March 2006

In this issue: Policy development as a theme and policy briefs as a genre. Decriminalising Cambodian family-scale fishers through a livelihoods approach to law reform. Longer pond leases in Orissa. One-stop Aqua Shop - a "one-window delivery" service center for aqua-farmers and fishers. Fisheries and aquaculture policy formulation process in Pakistan. Improving the international marine ornamental fish trade to sustain and improve the livelihoods of poor people involved in the trade. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2006

In this issue:

Nursery rearing of silver barb Puntius goniotus. Artemia enrichment and biomasss production for larviculture. Seed production of mud crab Scylla serrata in India. Macrobrachium on the southwest coast of India. Fish wastes in urban and suburban markets of Kolkata: Problems and solutions. Groups of poor women farming carps in leased ponds, Bangladesh. Lymphocystis disease and diagnostic methods in China. Mesocosm technology advances grouper aquaculture in northern Australia.

NACA Newsletter Volume XXI, No. 1, January-March 2006

In this issue:

Training workshop on molecular genetics. Outcomes of the 8th Technical Advisory Committee Meeting. Taking the 'grey' out of 'grey literature'. An introduction to the South Iran Aquaculture Research Center. Aquaclubs in India achieve good crops this year, with further challenges ahead. Rebuilding resilience of coastal populations and aquatic resources. Recent activities in STREAM. First international PCR training workshop completed. AusAID funds two aquatic animal health projects. Asia Regional Advisory Group continues to support aquatic animal disease management in the region. Indonesia accedes to the NACA Agreement. Governing Council 17 to set NACA Work Programme 2006-2010. Marine fish culture manuals now available in Thai. Aquaculture Rehabilitation Guide in Aceh, Indonesia. Boat building in the tsunami affected areas of NAD: Fishing vessel quality issues. Australasian Aquaculture 2006, 27 - 30 August, Adelaide. East Asian Seas Congress, 12-16 December 2006, China. Aquafeed Production Workshop, 8 March 2006, Thailand.

Better practice guidelines: Marketable fish production in seasonal ponds

It was common to believe that fish cannot be cultured in seasonal ponds. However, fish can be produced in any pond of any size, anywhere in Orissa, provided that the water quality is good enough. A small and shallow pond that retains water for two months can be used for raising fry. A larger and deeper pond holding water for three to four months can be used for fingerling production.

Better practice guidelines: Recognising and managing common fish diseases

If the place where fish live is good and healthy, fish rarely die from diseases. If we stress fish by roughly handling them, by keeping too many together, or by not feeding them well, they may suffer from disease. Depending on the disease, we may see lots of fish die in a short time, small numbers of fish deaths every day, reduced growth, marks on the fish, or a change in the way they look or swim.

Better practice guidelines: Marketing and hygiene

Fresh fish is so popular in much of eastern India that harvesting will usually draw a crowd of pond side customers. Marketing is no problem so long as the quantities are small. When bulk quantities are fished out a trader, wholesaler or a middleman may take the fish and depending on the distance, time of the day and season, transport them to the market with or without ice.

Better practice guidelines: One-stop aqua shops

When people talk about growing fish, many say their biggest problem was getting started. In Delhi in April 2003 farmers and officials met with policy makers and said that one of their most pressing recommendations for change was to the way information is made available. They asked for a single-point, under-one-roof center, near to their place, where they could get much of what they needed.

Better practice guidelines: Broodstock collection, transport and maintenance

These guidelines illustrate good practice for broodstock handling and management using practices that are suitable for small-scale operations. This document is also available in Oriya.

The Kandhkelgaon story

A bold bid by women in Kandhkelgaon Village, West Bengal, to break out of their poverty trap. This story describes how women who could no longer make a living from weaving turned to aquaculture. Success came, not just through income generation but by reducing the cost of being poor. The story highlights the influences that constrain and enhance development, including the sheer bravery and entrepreneurial spirit of people who are poor.