
India's involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

Research learning and new thinking

This report, at the request of NRSP, highlights “research learning and new thinking” arising from project R8100. It considers the project’s process from a strategic viewpoint, which is summarised in a conceptual matrix. The main features of the process’s overall strategy considered in more detail are a strategy for bringing through the voices of poor people – described as facilitated advocacy, with the role played by the project being one of “making it easier for people to speak for themselves”.


Stakeholders meeting: Promoting the pro-poor policy lessons of R8100 with key policy actors in India, 18-19 September 2003

The meetings and this document discuss the lessons learnt by project R8100 and consider how the follow on project might take these forward. This document combines the minutes of the Delhi meetings and the Stakeholder meeting in Ranchi, and captures as stories the summary of project R8100 and the visit to Jabarrah. The objectives of R8334 are presented, with comments on these recorded, and the project flow chart and proposed revisions to it are included.

State-level communications strategy workshops: West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa, 2003

Three consecutive State-level Communications Strategy Workshops were held in the capitals of Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal states. The aim of the workshops, as with all project activities, was to “contribute to ‘giving people a voice’ in policy-making processes that have an impact on their livelihoods.” The specific objectives were to review and orient participants to the project’s four outputs and to draft a state-level communications strategy, including ideas for a monitoring and evaluation process.

Carp production in seasonal water bodies in Eastern India

The feasibility of integrated aquaculture in seasonal water bodies in rainfed farming areas of Eastern India was assessed in on-farm trials. Fry of Indian major carps: Catla, mrigal, rohu, common carp, and silver barb, and advanced fingerlings of Indian major carps were raised to marketable size. Key factors for the success of aquaculture in seasonal water bodies are access to credit, production enhancing inputs and water bodies that hold water for more than 120 days of the year.

A review of lessons learnt in enabling people's participation in policy-making processes

Development approaches are constantly evolving, acting on and utilising lessons learnt from past experiences. As a result, “good governance” approaches are currently topical, an intrinsic component of which is how rural poor people can participate in policy-making processes. By reviewing lessons learnt, and considering these with examples from within and outside India, an indication can be given of the most appropriate ways to begin to affect policy, although a specific blueprint will not be suggested.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, January-March 2004

This report, the 23rd in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of twenty states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses a project on Capacity and Awareness Building on Import Risk Analysis for Aquatic Animals, funded by the APEC Fisheries Working Group.

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, January-March 2004

In this issue:

Aquaculture and food security in Iraq. Natural breeding in captivity - conservation of the threatened freshwater featherback Notopterus notopterus. Culture of Penaeus japonicus. Enzymes for sustainable aquaculture. Review of global tilapia farming practices. Fish culture in Yucatan, Mexico. Shrimp farm project planning, preparation and implementation. Coping with low shrimp prices. Efficiencies in barramundi culture. The innovative contributions of women in aquaculture. Marine finfish section. What's new on the web. Aquaculture calendar.

Report of the second meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, 10-12 November 2003

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional health issues including emerging disease threats. This report includes a review of regional disease status circa 2003, global and regional disease reporting arrangements, global issues and standards, progress in implementation of the the Regional Technical Guidelines on Health management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals, identification and designation of regional aquatic animal health resources and regional and international cooperation.

Case studies in India on the role of small farmer groups and associations in sustainable shrimp aquaculture management (abstract)

The present case studies concentrated on three sites, Kandaleru in Andhra Pradesh, Dhigirpar in West Bengal and Brahmagiri in Orissa. The three sites are markedly differentbut have a common feature that all three mainly are concerned with small farmers groupings. Earlier shrimp farming failures owing to the overexploitation of the ecosystem, by overstocking and consequent high inputs, resulting in degradation of the environment, diseases and eventual collapse, have alerted all shrimp farm groups to be wary.

Shrimp Farming and the Environment

This collection of publications originates from the International Consortium Program on Shrimp Farming and the Environment, which was implemented by the World Bank, the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The consortium supported 35 complementary case studies prepared by more than 100 researchers in more than 20 shrimp farming countries.