20 November 2003 | 1953 Downloads | .pdf | 775.22 KB | Better management practices, Health and Biosecurity, Livelihoods, gender and social issues, Nutrition and feeding, Aquatic plants, Shrimp, Crabs and lobsters, Environment and Sustainability, Vietnam, Water quality
This is the terminal report of the ACIAR-funded project "Mixed shrimp farming-mangrove forestry models in the Mekong Delta" (PN9412). The overall goal of the project was to optimise the economic yield from mixed shrimp aquaculture-mangrove forestry farming systems in Ca Mau Province in a sustainable manner. It was carried out mainly in two State Fisheries-Forestry Enterprises (SFFEs) in Ca Mau Province, at the southern tip of Vietnam. Specific objectives for the project were to:
The project documented large variations in shrimp yields and incomes between farmers, with successful farmers generating up to 16 times more income largley due to better practices and pond design. The report identifies factors contributing to successful crop outcomes and better management practices that could reduce disease risk, increase yields and profits.
Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
Rights: Copyright, all rights reserved.