
Thailand's involvement in NACA.

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NACA member governments

NACA member governments are: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, I.R. Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea (DPR), Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

In this collection

AHPNS - experiences from Thailand

Presentation on the impact of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome on shrimp farming in Thailand.

Emergency regional consultation on acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome

An emerging disease known as acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome has caused significant losses amongst shrimp farmers in China and Vietnam (2010), Malaysia (2011) and Thailand (2012). The disease affects both Penaeus monodon and P. vannamei. An emergency consultation was convened in Bangkok, 9-10 August 2012, to share information on this emerging disease, its occurrence, pathology and diagnosis, and to develop a coordinated regional response to the issue.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, July-September 2012

This report, the 57th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of thirteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses the outcomes of the 11th meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXVII, No. 3, July-September 2012

In this issue:

Aquaclimate Project gets thumbs up from regional workshop on climate change. Developing climate resilient aquaculture: The Aquaclimate Project. Regional framework for cooperation on climate change. Emergency regional consultation on shrimp early mortality syndrome, 9-10 August, Bangkok. Regional study/workshop on adoption of aquaculture assessment tools for sustainability. Regional proficiency testing for aquatic animal disease diagnostic laboratories.

2012 progress report of the Regional Lead Centre for Thailand

Nopadol Phuwapanish presents the 2012 research and development progress report of the NACA Regional Lead Centre, Thailand.

2012 progress reports of the NACA Regional Lead Centres

The recordings in this collection are the annual progress reports of NACA's regional lead centres in Thailand, China and the Philippines. The presentations were made at the 23rd NACA Governing Council Meeting, which was held in Siem Reap, 27-29 May 2011, hosted by the Government of Cambodia. The Governing Council is NACA's peak policy body, which meets annually to review the organisation's activities and set priorities for the year ahead.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, April-June 2012

This report, the 56th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of fifteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses a case definition for acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome ("early mortality syndrome") in cultured shrimp in Asia.

Report of the tenth meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health, 19-20 November 2011

The Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health meets annually to discuss regional health issues including emerging disease threats. This report includes a review of regional disease status circa 2011, global and regional disease reporting arrangements, global issues and standards, progress in implementation of the the Regional Technical Guidelines on Health management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals, identification and designation of regional aquatic animal health resources and regional and international cooperation.

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report, January-March 2012

This report, the 55th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of fourteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome ("early mortality syndrome") in cultured shrimp in Asia.

NACA Newsletter, Volume XXVII, No. 1, January-March 2012

In this issue:

10th Meeting of the Asia Regional Advisory Group on Aquatic Animal Health. Flood. Shrimp Price Study, Phase III: Case studies in Vietnam, Indonesia and Bangladesh. The Sultanate of Oman Embarks on Aquaculture Development. FAO Technical Guidelines on Use of Wild Fish as Feed in Aquaculture. New issue of Asian Fisheries Science and Asian Fisheries Society on Facebook.