Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Aquaculture Asia Magazine, October-December 2024

In this issue:

  • Some practices and techniques in cost-effective small and medium-scale aquaculture in West Bengal
    Subrato Ghosh
  • Food and feeding habits of some peninsular carps
    Gangadhar Barlaya, Raghavendra C.H., Ananada Kumar B.S., Vinay T.N. and Satheesha A.
  • Inland saline aquaculture: Prospects and challenges
    P. Dheeran, A.K. Verma, M.H. Chandrakant
  • A success story of freshwater prawn farming as an alternative livelihood for self-help and user groups in Mayurbanja District, Odisha, India
    Pradeep Kumar Mohapatra and Saibala Parida
  • NACA Newsletter

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Aquaculture Asia Magazine

Aquaculture Asia Magazine is an autonomous publication that gives farmers and scientists in developing countries a voice. Stories concern the small-scale aquaculture prevalent in the region and the circumstances of farmers trying to make ends meet in an increasingly globalised world. We accept articles on any aspect of aquaculture and the related processing, marketing, economic, environmental and social issues. An RSS feed is available if you wish to stay informed of new issues.

In this collection

A success story of freshwater prawn farming as an alternative livelihood for self-help and user groups in Mayurbanja District, Odisha, India

Freshwater prawn farming has emerged as a viable alternative livelihood for rural communities in Mayurbanja District, Odisha, under the Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA). This World Bank-assisted initiative has supported tribal self-help groups and user groups in adopting aquaculture as a sustainable income source. Through capacity-building programs, exposure visits, and technical support, beneficiaries have successfully engaged in fish and prawn farming, enhancing food security and financial stability. The study evaluates the impact of freshwater prawn farming in two Minor Irrigation Projects (MIPs) in Karanjia and Shyamakhunta blocks, where genetically improved fish and Macrobrachium rosenbergii (scampi) were introduced. Despite challenges such as erratic weather and fluctuating water conditions, both sites demonstrated promising survival and growth rates, with MIP2 yielding superior production due to favorable water availability and market proximity. Economic analysis confirmed the feasibility and profitability of integrating freshwater prawn farming with modern aquaculture techniques.

Inland saline aquaculture: Prospects and challenges

Salinity is a growing global challenge, affecting soil productivity, freshwater availability, and aquatic ecosystems. Inland saline aquaculture presents a sustainable opportunity to utilise salt-affected water resources for food production. This article examines the prospects and challenges of aquaculture in inland saline environments, focusing on soil and water characteristics, species tolerance, and mitigation strategies. It highlights the potential of using brackish groundwater for aquaculture, reducing pressure on freshwater supplies while making use of degraded lands. The study also discusses the physiological adaptations of fish to salinity stress, the role of key ions in aquaculture success, and the integration of saline aquaculture with traditional farming systems. Inland saline aquaculture could play a critical role in enhancing food security, optimising water resource use, and mitigating environmental degradation in semi-arid and arid regions.

Food and feeding habits of some peninsular carps

Carps are a vital component of global freshwater fish production, particularly in India, where both Indian major carps and indigenous species contribute to aquaculture. This study reviews the food and feeding habits of select peninsular carps, highlighting their potential for aquaculture diversification and biodiversity conservation. Indigenous species such as Hypselobarbus pulchellus, Barbodes carnaticus, Labeo fimbriatus, Labeo kontius, and Tor khudree demonstrate adaptability to natural productivity, reducing reliance on artificial feeds. Gut content analyses reveal dietary patterns ranging from herbivory to omnivory, with species consuming vascular plants, algae, molluscs, and insects. Feeding behavior varies across life stages, with juveniles relying on zooplankton and diatoms, while adults shift to macrophytes and benthic organisms. Integrating these species into polyculture systems could enhance aquaculture efficiency and support conservation efforts for threatened endemic fish.

Some practices and techniques in cost-effective small and medium-scale aquaculture in West Bengal

Small and medium-scale aquaculture in West Bengal has evolved to incorporate cost-effective, sustainable practices that reduce input costs while maintaining productivity. This article explores various low-cost aquaculture techniques used by rural fish farmers, emphasising farm-made feed formulations, pond fertilisation methods, and integrated farming systems. Farmers utilise non-conventional feed additives to enhance fish health and growth while reducing reliance on expensive commercial products. Fermented feed supplements and probiotic formulations have been successfully implemented to improve water quality and plankton production. Integrated fish farming, incorporating compost manure, vermicomposting, and polyculture with species like giant freshwater prawn, has increased productivity and economic returns.