Aquaculture Asia Magazine, July-September 2005


  • Probiotics: Snake oil or modern medicine?
    Simon Wilkinson

Sustainable aquaculture

  • Asian Development Bank study on aquaculture and poverty.
  • New ACIAR projects to commence in Indonesia. Assessing the consequences of converting to organic shrimp farming.
    David McKinnon and Jes Sammut
  • Recycling water and making money.
    Hassanai Kongkeo and Simon Wilkinson

Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network

  • Advances in the seed production of Cobia Rachycentron canadum in Vietnam.
    Le Xan
  • Australian success with barramundi cod.
    Shannon McBride
  • Brief overview of recent grouper breeding developments in Thailand.
    Sih-Yang Sim, Hassanai Kongkeo and Mike Rimmer
  • Application of probiotics in rotifer production systems for marine fish hatcheries.
    Tawfiq Abu-Rezq and Charles M. James

Research and farming techniques

  • Contract hatchery systems: A practical approach to procure quality seeds for aquaclubs of small-scale farmers in India.
    Arun Padiyar
  • Recirculation systems: Sustainable alternatives for backyard shrimp hatcheries in Asia?
    Thach Thanh, Truong Trong Nghia, Mathieu Wille and Patrick Sorgeloos
  • Rainbow trout culture in Iran: Development and concerns.
    Hussein Abdulhai and Mohammad Kazem Seiedi Ghomi
  • Large-scale growout of spotted Babylon, Babylonia areolata in earthern ponds: Pilot monoculture operation.
    S. Kritsanapuntu, N. Chaitanawisuti, W. Santhaweesuk and Y. Natsukari
  • Cage cum pond fish production using mixed sex nile tilapia in Nepal.
    A.K. Rai, M.K. Shrestha and S. Rai


Publisher: Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution.


Aquaculture Asia Magazine

Aquaculture Asia Magazine is an autonomous publication that gives farmers and scientists in developing countries a voice. Stories concern the small-scale aquaculture prevalent in the region and the circumstances of farmers trying to make ends meet in an increasingly globalised world. We accept articles on any aspect of aquaculture and the related processing, marketing, economic, environmental and social issues. An RSS feed is available if you wish to stay informed of new issues.