Regional Consultation on Responsible Production and Use of Feed and Feed Ingredients for Sustainable Growth of Aquaculture in Asia-Pacific

A regional consultation on aquaculture feed production and use in Asia-Pacific was therefore conducted by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with NACA and the Thailand Department of Fisheries from 7-9 March 2017.

The objective of the consultation was to review and share the knowledge on the current situation of aquaculture feed production and use, in respects of  production status, demand and supply, sourcing of ingredients, government policies and institutional support, ongoing progress and development gaps. The consultation also tried to put forward regional strategies and develop a plan of action to promote responsible utilisation of feed and feed ingredients for sustainable growth of aquaculture in Asia-Pacific through sharing of available knowledge, technological innovations and scaling up successful practices and further research and technology development.

This collection contains audio recordings of the technical presentations made at the consultation by experts, international organisations, the private sector and governments in the region. The report of the consultation is in press and will be made available for download in due course.

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In this collection

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Lao PDR

Around 73% of total fisheries production originated from aquaculture including fish culture in ponds, community fish culture in oxbow lakes and irrigation weirs, rice-fish culture and cage culture. Commercial feed is typically only used in pond culture. In other production systems some supplementary feeding may be conducted using local materials. Integrated fish farming with livestock is also practiced using various species of carp, barbs, catfish, gourami and snakeheads. Existing local feed factories have considerable spare capacity.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Indonesia

As aquaculture production expands in Indonesia more feed is needed. It was estimated that in 2015 feed usage for main Indonesia’s cultured commodities reached 8.9 million tonnes, raising issues related to the availability of feed raw materials, many of which are imported. The Indonesian government has launched a “self-sufficient fish feed” programme, aimed at reducing the dependence on imported raw materials, especially fishmeal, by using locally available ingredients for feed. The availability of local feed ingredients is discussed.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in India

About 0.75 million tonnes of shrimp feed was produced during 2016, with roughly equal quantities of freshwater fish feed produced. Although shrimp farming is fully dependent on formulated feeds, freshwater finfish farming is still transitioning to use of pelleted feeds. High value coastal carnivorous fin fish continues to be produced via a combination of trash fish and formulated feeds. Fishmeal inclusion in shrimp feed formulations has fallen substantially. The availability of feed ingredients in India is discussed.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in China

The rapid development of the Chinese aquaculture has stimulated the development of a significant feed industry. Fishmeal imports have remained relatively static as formulations have improved and due to substantial culture of filter-feeding species. Representative species have been selected for systematic nutritional studies to determine their requirements and the efficiency of feed ingredients. These studies are being used to develop a database on nutritional requirements and bioavailability of feed ingredients to aid efficient feed formulation design.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Cambodia

Cambodians are among the largest consumers of fish in the world with per capita consumption of 63 kg/person/year. At present 90% of production is from freshwater systems. Low value "trash" fish from both freshwater and marine resources are used as an important feed input to the sector. Both imported pellets and on-farm feeds are of mixed quality, storage protocols inadequate and feeding strategies often wasteful. There is much scope to improve the efficiency of feed use.

Status of aquaculture feed and feed ingredient production and utilisation in Bangladesh

Aquaculture production in Bangladesh is growing rapidly, resulting in increasing demand for feeds. In response, the government has formulated the Fishfeed and Animal Feed Act, 2010 and Fishfeed Rules, 2011, to assure the quality of feed inputs. The legislation mandates licenses for the establishment and operation of feed factories, for import/export of feeds and ingredients, and for sale of feed. Minimum minimum standards for feeds have been established and officials are empowered to test feed samples for compliance.