Ompok bimaculatus, locally known as pabda catfish, is widely distributed in the natural water resources of Assam and other northeastern states of India. It is a preferred indigenous non-airbreathing catfish with high market demand compared to Indian major carps and exotic carps. Due to habitat modification and over exploitation, pabda has been assessed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This article describes the development of captive breeding protocols for pabda at the Pabhoi Fish Farm, including broodstock management, captive breeding, and larval rearing. Fecundity ranged from 20,000-22,000 eggs per 100 g body weight. Spawning was induced with Ovatide and eggs transferred to a flow-through system for hatching. Larvae began exogenous feeding after two days.

In India's north-eastern states and West Bengal, women's participation in aquaculture is around 55%. They are involved in pond fertilisation, nursery fish seed rearing, fish feeding, and harvesting. In Purba Medinipur, women practice family-based freshwater aquaculture in backyard ponds. This helps improve the health of rural households and supports their lives and livelihoods. Experts from ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Odisha, believe that improving rural women's access to credit and developing women-friendly aquaculture technologies can help. Involving women trainers and extension workers, and organising women aquaculture clubs, can also enhance technology transfer. This article describes the role of women in aquaculture in Haldia, Purba Medinipur, and the practices and business development of some leading women fish farmers.

Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is sponsoring the project "Knowledge Brokering for Nature-Based Solutions in Aquaculture Transformation in Asia-Pacific: Support to the Aquaculture Innovation and Investment Hub." The project is part of a wider IDRC AQUADAPT initiative, a four-year partnership running from 2023-2027. AQUADAPT addresses the intertwined challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and food insecurity through applied research on nature-based solutions in aquaculture in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. AQUADAPT emphasises Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), ensuring that nature-based solutions are inclusive of all genders and marginalised groups. The project's inception workshop was held in Bangkok from July 4-5, bringing together project teams from Thailand, The Philippines, and Fiji to discuss approaches and methodologies. 

In this issue:

  • NACA and Thailand's Department of Fisheries Strengthen Collaboration.
  • Full-degree scholarships and research internship grants from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.
  • Manual on Artemia production and use.
  • The Grass Carp Aquaculture Manual.
  • Pacific oyster farming: A practical manual.
  • The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024: Blue Transformation in action.
  • Safeguarding salt lake brine shrimp (Artemia) resources for aquaculture: A training project.
  • Reported Aquatic Animal Diseases in the Asia-Pacific Region during the Fourth Quarter of 2023.
  • First International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium Conference, 9 September (hybrid event).

The first conference of the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium (IAAC) will be organised on 9 September as part of the same premises as the Larvi '24 Conference, in Ostend, Belgium. This is a hybrid event, with participation possible both in person and online via Zoom. In the morning session (open to all larvi participants), the following IAAC members will give presentations: Yeong Yik Sung (Malaysia), Patrick Sorgeloos (Belgium), Simon Wilkinson (Thailand), Sui Liying (China), Stephanie De Vos (Belgium), Brad Marden (USA), Phil Brown (USA), Yathish Ramena (USA) and David Johanson (Belgium). A detailed programme will be available shortly. Participation in the IAAC conference is free, but people attending in person are requested to indicate your interest to attend it on the Larvi registration form. The Zoom link for virtual participants will be announced shortly.

NACA's newly appointed Director General, Dr. Eduardo Leano, along with staff, paid a courtesy call to Mr. Bancha Sukkaew, the Director General of the Department of Fisheries (DOF), Thailand, and directors of DOF's divisions. Discussions centered on ongoing projects between NACA and DOF and explored opportunities for collaboration both in Thailand and the wider region. Mr. Sukkaew emphasized the need to improve food security in the Asia-Pacific region and the importance of cooperation in information sharing and R&D to enhance productivity and reduce costs. Thailand is currently participating in a NACA project on Knowledge brokering for nature-based solutions in aquaculture transformation in Asia-Pacific. The Thai team is identifying innovations and nature-based solutions in the aquaculture industry, as a contribution to the regional Aquaculture Innovation and Investment Hub, presently in development.

In this issue:

  • Scientific aquaculture to promote better livelihoods for Scheduled Caste farmers.
  • Rainbow trout in Jammu and Kashmir: Present status and strategies for expansion.
  • Community participation in marine ornamental aquaculture: An integral approach on livelihood empowerment of islander women and conservation of reef ecosystems at the Lakshadweep Islands, India.
  • Training programmes organised by West Bengal Fisheries Department in South 24 Parganas in the beginning of 2024.
  • Exploring the possibility of captive production of a near threatened catfish, Rita chrysea for Indian aquaculture.
  • NACA Newsletter.

Rita chrysea, a member of the Bagridae family, is a medium-sized freshwater catfish predominantly inhabiting the Mahanadi River system, coursing through the states of Chhattisgarh and Odisha in India. It has been classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN. Researchers at ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar, have achieved successful breeding and rearing of R. chrysea in an intiative that aims to to popularise the species through training programs for farmers. This article describes methodologies to induce spawning and rear the larvae of R. chrysea and its performance in captivity, potentially paving the way for its adoption as a mainstream aquaculture species. Furthermore, the insights provided in this article may contribute to ensuring the captive breeding and rearing of two other species, R. pavimentata and R. rita, in the future. These species, belonging to the same genus, dominate Indian river systems.

Fisheries and aquaculture are crucial sources and contributors of nutrient-rich food, income, and livelihoods for many people in West Bengal and across India, creating valuable rural employment opportunities and fostering integrated rural development. Efforts are being made by the Fisheries Department to disseminate scientific knowledge about improved techniques of fish culture to fish farmers (progressive farmers, small and marginal farmers) by imparting hands-on training to them. The aim is to increase fish production through various means like bringing more water bodies under scientific fish culture and ensuring access to nutritionally balanced fish feed and high-quality fry and fingerling-stage fish for fish farmers. Training serves as an important mechanism for the transfer of technology and improving human skills regarding the developmental process This article describes recent short-term training programmes by the West Bengal Department of Fisheries for fish farmers that were  organised in almost all districts of the state, including South 24 Parganas. 

Promoting and encouraging community participation in marine ornamental aquaculture presents an alternative approach to enhancing the economic status of marginalised individuals, particularly women, in the Lakshadweep islands. Additionally, it aids in curbing the wild capture of marine ornamental organisms, thereby relieving pressure on natural resources. The article examines the strategy of community-based marine ornamental aquaculture and its significance in bolstering the economy of islanders, particularly women, in the Lakshadweep Sea. It seeks to investigate effective approaches to promote the sustainability of the coral reef ecosystem in the region. High-value marine ornamental organisms, such as fishes and shrimps, are cultivated in community aquaculture units using simplified technology. These organisms are supplied to aquarists and hobbyists, thus supplementing the income of local women islanders.