This document presents current status on genetic diversity of empurau and semah in Sarawak, Malaysia, including taxonomic status and a management guideline based on genetic data. Inadvertent mixing of the two species, especially during breeding, may lead to hybridisation, a threat to the genetic integrity of wild populations. Surveys on current status of genetic variability of empurau and semah are reported herein, and the results from which are used as baseline data for development of a genetic management plan.

This report describes a training course on marine finfish hatchery protocols, which was convened at the Karabi Coastal Fisheries Research and Development Center, Thailand at the request of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. The main goal of the training was to carry out hands-on practical work in finfish hatchery techniques, with an emphasis on grouper. This work involved spawning induction, incubation and larval rearing until day 12.

The workshop was the second in a series of expert meetings to assist the development of guidelines for aquaculture certification. The workshop gave stakeholders in the Americas a unique opportunity to get together with international stakeholders to discuss certification and in particular the development of the draft FAO/NACA guidelines for aquaculture certification. The workshop identified a strong need for an aquaculture certification guideline document to inform and guide stakeholders towards responsible and sustainable aquaculture. 

This is the report of a five-day training workshop was to build capacity and awareness of relevant stakeholders in the areas of aquatic epidemiology, risk analysis, surveillance and emergency preparedness. The long term objective was to support implementation of national strategies for better aquatic animal health management with a focus on improved surveillance, reporting, early response, emergency preparedness, risk analysis, certification and quarantine.

This report, the 38th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of seventeen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses the OIE/NACA Regional Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health.

In this issue:

A different form of dumping: The need for a precautionary approach for yet another new species for shrimp farming in Asia. Sustainable livelihoods of pangus farming in Bangladesh. Business approach to national broodstock centres in Vietnam. Freshwater aquaculture in Myanmar. Traditional carp culture in Central Europe. Egg and larval quality in sand bass Psammoperca weigiensis. Effect of protein and lipid level of growth performance of tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus.

In this issue:

Lao culture-based fisheries project gets underway. Expert Workshop on Aquaculture Certification, Brazil. Strategies for Development of Asian Reservoir and Lake Fisheries Management. EUS identified as cause of fish kills in Africa. NACA seeks shrimp farm specialists for assignments in Indonesia. FDA detains five species of farm-raised seafood from China. 7th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture. Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2008. Scientists join fight against frog diseases. Artificial propagation of snow trout Schizothorax zarudnyi by Iranian experts. NACA keynotes three international meetings. Culture, capture conflicts project review, Indonesia. Sign up to the coldwater aquaculture Yahoo! Tech Group. Website publishing and administration training, Vietnam. Aquatic Animal diseases Significant to Asia-Pacific: Identification Field Guide.

The 5th Regional Grouper Hatchery Training Course was another success with all participants is pleased with the overall training activities and field trips. A total of 17 participants from eight countries attended the training course which was hosted by the Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre, Situbondo, Indonesia. Participants were able to involve in the broodstock activities for giant grouper, in additional to the tiger and humpback groupers, and attended field trips to backyard hatcheries and export facilities.

This final report of the project “Strengthening Aquatic Animal Health Capacity and Biosecurity in ASEAN” contains two parts: A. Recommended Minimum Operational Requirements for Implementing National Aquatic Animal Health Strategies within ASEAN and B. ASEAN progress in the implementation of National Aquatic Animal Health Strategies. The report provides guidance for countries in ASEAN to implement key elements of national aquatic animal health strategies, and for monitoring progress of national strategy implementation in ASEAN member countries.

This practical manual provides better management practices for the farming of shrimp in tambak systems in Aceh, Indonesia. The manual addresses the formation of farmer groups, crop planning, and specifies better management practices. These include: Location of tambaks, design and construction of tambaks, pond preparation practices, shrimp seed selection and stocking practices, feed management practices, water management practices, health management practices, harvest and post-harvest handling practices, keeping records and improved marketing practices.