This report is the outcome of a study conducted by NACA to assess the impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and of the introduction of US anti-dumping duties on the shrimp farming sectors of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with special focus on the effect that these unusual events had on shrimp prices and stakeholders' livelihoods. The assessment was conducted by collecting data from a wide range of stakeholders involved with shrimp farming.

Shrimp Health Management brochures provide better management practices in a reader friendly format. These brochures were prepared as extension materials through the village based demonstration programme by the Marine Products Export Development Authority of India and NACA. The programme continues building success and involved a total of 29 villages and 29 Aquaclubs in five Indian states (Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Orissa, Gujarat, and Karnataka) in 2006.

This report, the 34th in the series, contains information about the aquatic animal health status of fourteen states in the Asia-Pacific region. The foreword discusses efforts towards international harmonisation in aquatic animal health standards.

In this issue:

Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: Recent developments in Chinese inland aquaculture. Reducing feed costs in aquaculture: Is the use of mixed feeding schedules the answer for semi-intensive practices? Seed production technology of ornamental gouramis Colisa fasciata and C. lalia under captive conditions. Marine finfish market information and aquaculture development trends in selected locations in Indonesia and Malaysia. Market analysis of the live reef food fish trade.

In this issue:

International shrimp farming principles welcomed by countries. Discussions on the establishment of a "Mahseer R&D Centre". Microsatellite DNA markers for mahseer are now available. First study on genetic variation of the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish. IMNV found in Asia-Pacific. Thailand and US to jointly install tsunami wave sensors. Co-management in aquaculture explored at APFIC Forum. Virus may control Australia's feral carp problem. A milestone in India's sustainable shrimp farming efforts. Fish introduction in India: Status, challenges and potentials. 8th Asian Fisheries Forum. STREAM Update. Website management training to support Thai Post-tsunami Rehabilitation website.

Two in-country projects, in India and Vietnam, have provided good examples of translating the International Principles on Responsible Shrimp Farming into specific better management practices (BMPs) adapted to local farming conditions and ensuring their implementation by relevant stakeholders. The results range from improved yields, less impact on the environment, wholesome products, and better relations among players in the market chain. In short, the implementation of the BMPs has provided benefits to the farmers, environment and society.

Viet Nam's mangrove forests have been severely impacted by human interventions, with a reduction in forestation from 408,000 ha in 1943 to a low of 150,000 ha in 2000. This study provides an overview of the information needs and communication issues surrounding people living in mangrove regions of Viet Nam. It is hoped that this study will help to raise the awareness of issues surrounding mangrove environments and improve the accessibility to information, for all stakeholders.

The practical application of livelihoods approaches is still relatively new in development work and guidance is much sought by field teams. The concept aims to build a comprehensive picture of how people within communities live, rather than approaching development planning from a sectoral perspective such as agriculture, forestry or fisheries, to assist in planning interventions that will benefit present and future generations. This document discusses the concepts of livelihoods and sustainable livelihoods analyses with these objectives in mind.

This reports describes the status of mangrove ecosystems and associated communities in the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia. It describes historical degradation of the mangrove ecosystems for shrimp farming and land speculation. The report describes the livelihoods of the local communities, their usage and connections with the mangrove forests and farming activities, and socio-economic factors impeding the restoration of mangrove habitats, which are in large part related to poverty. Attempts to replant areas are described.

Shrimp farming is one of the fastest growing aquaculture sectors in many parts of the world and also one of the most controversial. Rapid expansion of this sector generated income fo many countries, but has been accompanied by rising concerns over environmental and social impacts. The International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming provide the basis upon which stakeholders can collaborate for a more sustainable development of shrimp farming.