The feasibility of integrated aquaculture in seasonal water bodies in rainfed farming areas of Eastern India was assessed in on-farm trials. Fry of Indian major carps: Catla, mrigal, rohu, common carp, and silver barb, and advanced fingerlings of Indian major carps were raised to marketable size. Key factors for the success of aquaculture in seasonal water bodies are access to credit, production enhancing inputs and water bodies that hold water for more than 120 days of the year.

Development approaches are constantly evolving, acting on and utilising lessons learnt from past experiences. As a result, “good governance” approaches are currently topical, an intrinsic component of which is how rural poor people can participate in policy-making processes. By reviewing lessons learnt, and considering these with examples from within and outside India, an indication can be given of the most appropriate ways to begin to affect policy, although a specific blueprint will not be suggested.

This Learning Workshop on Livelihoods Analysis was held in Long An Province, Vietnam from 19-20 November 2002. It was part of an ongoing series of activities that will inform the implementation of the Ministry of Fisheries Strategy on Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation under the Vietnamese Government’s Hunger Eradication and Poverty Reduction (HEPR) Program. The recruitment in October of Nguyen Song Ha, STREAM Vietnam Communications Hub Manager, improved preparations within the Vietnamese national context.

A scoping Meeting on “Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation” was held in Hanoi , 23-25 May 2000. The meeting was held to review the role of aquaculture development (freshwater, brackish water and marine environments) in poverty alleviation and hunger eradication in Vietnam, to identify strategies for the more effective application of aquaculture and aquatic resources management to poverty alleviation, to review a draft framework for a programme on sustainable aquaculture for poverty alleviation and to prepare an appropriate action plan.

This System Requirement Report describes national level requirements for data collection and sharing mechanisms for fisheries co-management in the Philippines. It also provides a broad picture of the following for the national fisheries management level in the Philippines.

This report presents an overview of the state of aquatic resources in the Philippines, its performance and importance in the Philippine economy, and explores the situation of poverty in the "aquatic resources sector." The report describes the policy environment that guides the action of key actors in the sector. A general analysis of some trends in relation to factors that keep the poor from participating and benefiting from aquatic resource management is also provided.

The main objectives of the study were to describe the development of the small-scale or back yard multispecies hatcheries and their economic structure and benefits to the farmers and local community in Bali, Indonesia. The social and economic impact of the back yard multi-species hatchery systems were analysed and details of the benefit of this system to the community described. The strengths and weaknesses of the back yard multi-species hatchery system are described.

This report describes the national-level requirements for data collection and sharing mechanisms for fisheries co-management in Cambodia. It presents the findings from a thorough literature review and workshops, group and individual interviews. Community fisheries in Cambodia are at a very early stage of development, and the exact management responsibilities are still poorly understood by many stakeholders. This report relates the information needs voiced by participants in this study.

In October 2000 the government of Cambodia announced a major change in fisheries management policy. The core elements of the new policy are the reduction of fishing lot concession areas by 56%, the broader participation of fishing communities in the management of fisheries and a focus on the efficient, sustainable and equitable use of the living aquatic resources. This document details the Strategic Plan for the CFDO in the Department of Fisheries (DoF) based on its mandate.

In this issue: Creating understanding and ownership of collaborative research results through 'learning by doing'. Fish culture, farming, markets and promotion - an integrated, sustainable approach to aquaculture and rural development. Fisheries policy reform impact assessment in Cambodia - understanding policy and poor people. "Shrimp hero" Phan The Phuong. Coral farming in Vietnam. The global fisheries market - can rural poor people benefit? Issues raised by STREAM Media Monitoring reports. About the STREAM Journal. About STREAM. This edition is also available in Ilonggo.