Parasites and disease are amongst the greatest issues affecting Indian aquculture, incurring substantial economic losses every year. Due to disease risk, some farmers may use antibiotics as a prophylactic measure, with consequent risk of increasing anti-microbial resistance. Organic aquaculture has the potential to allow reduced chemical inputs, but must be coupled with other paradigms to alleviate disease issues. The Fish Welfare Initiative believes that measures to improve animal welfare, in particular water quality and stocking density, can contribute to improved animal health outcomes.

The GCA +20 was successfully held as a hybrid event from 22-25 September, with physical participation at the venue in Shanghai, China, and international participation via video conference. A total of 1,728 people participated in the event, of which 500 were physically present in Shanghai. A key output from the GCA +20, the Shanghai Declaration is a call to action that highlights the principles and strategic pathways to maximise the contribution of sustainable aquaculture in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, with a special focus on “Leaving no one behind”.

Join us online at the SDG-aligned Artemia Aquaculture Workshop, which will be held on 22 September, via Zoom. With the expansion of hatchery production, the demand for Artemia cysts has continued to increase and annual consumption is now estimated at 3,500 – 4,000 tonnes, underpinning the production of over 10 million tonnes of high-value aquaculture species. Approximately 90 percent of the current Artemia production is harvested from inland salt lakes. The purpose of the Artemia workshop is to explore needs and opportunities for a new international initiative to guarantee a more sustainable provision of Artemia, both from natural sources and from controlled extractive Artemia farming integrated with salt production and other fish/crustacean aquaculture. View programme | register

Videos from our recent webinar Status of the use of Artemia cysts in fish and crustacean hatcheries around the world are now available on NACA's Youtube channel. Please consider subscribing for more technical aquaculture content!

A video recording is now available of a presentation by Dr Simon Funge-Smith, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific at the inception meeting for the FAO-funded project "Blue transformation in aquaculture", 30 August 2021. Please visit NACA's Youtube channel to view the video.

Video recordings of technical presentations from the webinar on Culture-based fisheries for rural development (31 May 2021) are now available on Youtube. Presentations cover technical constraints, the socio-economic and impact on communities, micro-nutrient security, monitoring and evaluation, improving water quality through stocking selected species, biodiversity considerations, and success stories.

Please visit NACA's Youtube channel to access the videos. Our Youtube channel is brand new, please consider subscribing for more technical aquaculture videos!

India’s seaweed sector is an emerging area for the development of the rural economy. A growing interest of the government and subsequent announcement of a ‘multi-purpose seaweed park’ in Tamil Nadu will boost the seaweed farming and related industries. India aims to increase seaweed production to 1,150,000 metric tons from the current production levels of 2,500 metric tons in the next five years. SMART AGRIPOST in collaboration with ICAR-CMFRI and industry associations, is pleased to organize a two-day virtual conference and exhibition, Seaweed India 2021 on 26-27 August 2021, to connect all stakeholders. The webinar will help review and deliberate on the opportunities and challenges in the emerging seaweed sector in India with regard to its various dimensions.

Join us on 8 October 2021 for the Professor Sena De Silva Memorial Oration. The topic for the oration is "Aquaculture and marine resources exploitation: reframing the issues", presented by Professor Govanni Turchini of Deakin University and organised by the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. The oration will be held at 05:00 GMT (15:00 AEST) via Zoom. To participate, please use the following link: Professor Sena De Silva Memorial Oration 2021.

The joint international conference of the Sixth International Conference on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (ICFAS 6) and the First Asian Fisheries Social Science Research Network Forum (AFSSRN F1) is on 24-26 November 2021, via Zoom. The theme of the joint conference is The Science and Art of Fisheries and Aquaculture: Life above and below water. The call for the submission of abstracts for both the scientific (oral and poster) and art sessions (short films, photo essay, poetry, song, short story) is until 30 August 2021. Student competitions (student oral speed, student poster, digital art, and fishing for solution) are available. For more details, please visit the conference website.

The new OIE World Animal Health Information System (OIE-WAHIS) was initially launched in 2020, with an aim to develop a modern and dynamic platform to ease the burden on Members to collect and report information on  global animal health, as well as to make the information more accessible to the public. In this regard, OIE and NACA also planned the establishment of a Regional Core online reporting system for non-OIE listed aquatic animal diseases of regional importance in Asia and the Pacific. On behalf of NACA and OIE-RRAP, we encourage all members in the Asia-Pacific region to regularly submit monthly aquatic animal disease reports.